Why learn riding, swimming and Archery?
The Prophet (pbuh) dwelled insistently on the games that have a purpose since they are related to the military for men and uttered many hadiths to encourage them. The issues that he dwelled on the most were archery, horse riding, walking and swimming.
When the Prophet (pbuh) lists the duties of a father toward his children, he mentions teaching archery and swimming along with “feeding them with halal sustenance” and “teaching writing”.
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Why for Free?
We want to expand the message of our prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Prophetic hadith
علموا أولادكم الرماية والسباحة وركوب الخيل من الأحاديث التي ورد ذكرها في السنة النبوية الشريفة، وقد نسب هذا الحديث إلى النبي -عليه الصلاة والسلام- أنه رواه، وجاء نصه مروياً عن الصحابي بكر بن عبد الله بن ربيع الأنصاري -رضي الله عنه- أنه قال، أن النبي -عليه الصلاة والسلام- قال: علِّموا أبناءَكمُ السباحةَ، والرمايةَ، ونعمَ لَهْوُ المؤمنةِ في بيتِها المغزلُ، وإذا دعاكَ أبواكَ فأجبْ أمَّكَ
How Benefits Our Lives
Archery is also a sunnah sport. Other than that too, it can be a self -therapy that trains a person emotionally and physically to concentrate, calm down and stabilize emotions. Archery is also one of the Sunnah sports activities encouraged by Islam.
Horse Riding
It can train emotionally and physically. Horse riding places great emphasis on body balancing. Horse riding can also train people to calm down and stabilize emotions. An individual who is restless, hasty, irritable, impatient or mentally ill will decease.
During swimming, mental, physical, muscular and skeletal bones are mobilized. Coordinated movements between two limbs and two limbs, in addition to stimulating stamina (cardiovascular system).Swimming also gives humans the opportunity to master the water as well as be brave.
علِّموا أبناءَكمُ السباحةَ، والرمايةَ، ونعمَ لَهْوُ المؤمنةِ في بيتِها المغزلُ، وإذا دعاكَ أبواكَ فأجبْ أمَّكَ
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
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